
Sunday May 12, 2013
Dropping Loads Episode 34: Driving While Asian
Sunday May 12, 2013
Sunday May 12, 2013
In this episode, Pouch's old friend Paul weighs in on stereotypes and the Florida man. Milky reveals his almost encyclopedic knowledge of Asians, while Pouch discusses Michael Bay's latest venture, Pain and Gain. Subscribe to us on iTunes HERE Pouch here. Sorry about the no-show last week, we had to take a personal day and decided to postpone this crazy ambitious shoot we have coming up. We shot a few scenes for it the other day and had a blast. I ended up enjoying my character far too much. Hopefully, we'll get that to you soon enough. Now on to what you guys came here for: the podcast. I have an old friend that I've known since freshman year of high school and we've kept in relatively close contact for a while. He's been imploring me for a chance to hang out on the set during one of our shoots, but considering how often our actors get a little spooked by strangers, I always opted not to invite him. But I decided to give him a shot on the pod, if he was the sole guest, to avoid people clamming up. He's a pretty cool guy, but unfortunately Milky and I dominate the conversation, so hopefully, if he's back on, he'll have more to say. Please go Like the 76th Street Network Facebook page. Please check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and leave a review on iTunes. Subscribe to us on YouTube. Intro/Outro: The Stereotype Song - Your Favorite Martian
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Artistic Awakenings
Sunday Apr 28, 2013
Dropping Loads Episode 33: On You, and Not in You
Sunday Apr 28, 2013
Sunday Apr 28, 2013
In this episode, Maria recounts tales from her place of work including a strange purchase and developing an entire roll of photos of a certain male appendage. Milky is adamant about his exciting encounter with Jim Jeffries, while Pouch dismisses Maria's excitement for him. And Jon spreads of the gospel of On You, and Not in You. Subscribe to us on iTunes HERE Pouch here. Excuse some of the random bumps that you will more than likely hear throughout the episode, our equipment in amateurish at best and therefore, you ain't always going to get the best quality out of us. Either way, hopefully it'd be very difficult to notice when you're laughing the entire time. This episode was very fun to record and just as fun to edit because no matter what, Jon's random comments will never get old. Please go Like the 76th Street Network Facebook page. Please check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and leave a review on iTunes. Subscribe to us on YouTube. Intro/Outro: Auto-Manipulator - Crispin Glover. Check out this week's Teasing Loads, where Milky expresses some suspicion over a transaction. Check out last week's DVD Load-Down.
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Artistic Awakenings Wynwood's Homeless & Senior Art Program Miami is booming with Arts and Music, it is a very beautiful thing. We invest and even play free gigs at events but we just cannot forget that there is people out there who need to have that feeling as well. This area specially, is booming with new galleries and venues but the surrounding people are just as poor. By using our helping hands we can allow these individuals to experience the bliss & therapy of Music and Art itself. We welcome volunteers, donations, anything that serves as a helping hand. Currently, donations are being accepted for art supplies and, most importantly, food. The long term goal is to eventually afford housing and medical treatment for these individuals. We can feed more, teach more, but hands; Helping hands are needed ! If you are an artist and you have any skills you may like to teach or share, feel free to contact us. also if you are a member of a band and you would like to share your music LIVE, don't hesitate, reach out to us For more information on how you may help please contact us through this page or the numbers below: Maria Forero [786] 278-2367 Jacky Vasquez [786]416-3240Get a Load of This
Guy Can Jerk Off His Thumb Now App that Warns against Fucking Your Cousin Wife Allergic to Husband's Jizz Fucked Up Woman Attacks with Nipple Twister High Speed Jerk OffShit We Mentioned
For more details on the topics discussed in this episode, visit the official Dropping Loads Blog.

Sunday Apr 14, 2013
Dropping Loads Episode 32: Denture Twins
Sunday Apr 14, 2013
Sunday Apr 14, 2013
In this episode, the boys welcome Tony to discuss the birth and rise of the 76th Street Pod and the 76th Street Network. The boys are awestruck as Tony extols the great state of Nebraska. The guys then brainstorm the world's most racist theme park. Subscribe to us on iTunes HERE Pouch here. If you guys don't already know - and how could you miss it? We've been celebrating it for the past month - we were picked up by the 76th Street Network a few weeks ago. With a spike in feed hits overall, we're more enthusiastic than ever for our podcast because now we know that people actually listen. We still don't get too much reception in the form of comments or e-mails, but the statistics don't lie. Those sweet, sweet numbers have been going up and it's such a wonderful feeling to know that people are listening to us! And all of this really is thanks to the 76th Street Network. So we decided to have one of the founders of the network, Tony, come and guest on our humble pod. It was a great fucking time, as you can hear from all the laughter. Join in the fun and listen in. Please go Like the 76th Street Network Facebook page. Please check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and leave a review on iTunes. Subscribe to us on YouTube. Intro/Outro: Beautiful Nebraska - Julie Baker-Anderson Check out this week's Teasing Loads, in which Milky explain his preference of a urinal video game. Check out last week's sketch, Post Workout Nutrition.
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76th Street Podcast
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
Dropping Loads Episode 31: National Have Sex with an Ugly Person Day
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
In this episode, the boys welcome author/blogger and all-around cool guy, Lance Manion, to discuss National Have Sex with an Ugly Person Day, which lands on April 2nd, 2013. Lance discusses his approach to writing, guiding Pouch in the process, and the boys end it on a rousing edition of "One, True, Three." Check Lance out at http://www.lancemanion.com. Check out his book, The Ball Washer. Why not? It's free!
Subscribe to us on iTunes HERE Pouch here. No, you didn't read that wrong. We are in fact releasing two brand-new episodes this week. Let me catch you up on the details. Author/blogger, all-around cool dude Lance Manion reached out to us to appear on an episode to promote himself as well as a holiday he's attempting to popularize, National Have Sex with an Ugly Person Day. (It's exactly what you think it is. He wants an extremely attractive person to have sex with an extremely ugly person, which means I might just get laid. The holiday is a semi-joke perpetuated from his self-admitted selfishness as well as a desire to point out the ironies in our superficial culture. It's a bit of a statement to stimulate discussion.) What we intended to do was have about 20-30 minutes with Lance and then add on a regular show with Jon, but the conversation was so much fun that we let it run and it ended up being over 40 minutes long. With some of our episodes clocking in at about the same length, we said "fuck it," and decided to separate the two episodes and do something special for our 30th... which is technically our 30th and 31st. Otherwise, the episode would run about an hour and 45 minutes. We could have done a giant-sized issue, but we figured that would be demanding of your attention spans, so we conveniently split them up into two different episodes for your enjoyment. Check Lance out at LanceManion.com. Check out the 76th Street Network for our pod and several other great pods as well. Please check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and leave a review on iTunes. Subscribe to us on YouTube. Intro/outro: Ugly Person Song - RandomHoursLoads of FUN: One, True, Three
Courtesy of Walter Flanagan of Tell 'Em, Steve-Dave

Sunday Mar 31, 2013
Dropping Loads Episode 30: Bushwookiee
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
In this episode, Jon brings the laughs as he weighs in on the Vatican and the Pope for another edition of "Get a Load of This," while bringing some weird news of his own. The boys talk current slang and discuss the the Veronica Mars Kickstarter and the implications it has on our favorite canceled shows. Subscribe to us on iTunes HERE Pouch here. This episode was a long time coming. Milky and I sat down with Jon, without a fourth member, and as expected, it was a laughfest. Then again, even with four people, he brings the house down. You see, Milky and I have been experimenting with the less is more approach, opting to record with only one other person at time. So far, the outcome has been pretty grand, if you look back to some of the episodes with only the three people. Now, we haven't closed off the option of having 4-5 members again, if we can get them, because it's always fun to have a bunch of people crowded together in a room talking shit. But it just requires more effort attempting to schedule more than one person at a time. Either way, this was a fun episode. Check out the 76th Street Network for our pod and several other great pods as well. Please check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and leave a review on iTunes. Subscribe to us on YouTube. Intro/Outro: Ass Cheeks on My White Tee - Venny Outrageous. Check out this week's Teasing Loads, in which Jon tracks the origins of the words "skank" and "hoe." And last week's DVD Load-Down, where Milky and I review the bizarre Meet the Feebles.
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Captain CockGet a Load of This

Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
Dropping Loads Episode 29: Pimp Pope
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
In this episode, the DLP crew celebrate Batman as well as their inclusion into the 76th Street Network. Milky and Maria swap tales of roach encounters, while Pouch lectures on about the Pope and the Buddha.
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Get a Load of This
Tire-eating Chick Married 8-year-old Asshole Sues Parents because He Didn't Get Enough LoveShit We Mentioned
For more details on the topics discussed in this episode, visit the official Dropping Loads Blog.

Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Dropping Loads Episode 28: Anti-Cock
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
In this episode, Milky, Eugene, and Pouch lament the loss of a great podcast and pour over details from that lost episode. Milky shifts focus and the boys begin discussing fried chicken at great length. Eugene finally lays to rest a question plaguing mankind for decades: Popeyes or KFC? Subscribe to us on iTunes HERE Pouch here. Well, after some rearranging of the scheduel and a bit of shameless - not entirely shameless. I feel pretty bad about, but it was necessary - guilt-tripping, Eugene has finally returned. It's unfortunate that it was this one. There was a bit of a mishap during this recording session. We recorded about an hour and twenty of just magic. We were so orgasmically good that the podcast gods would write songs of triumph about this episode to be performed by choirs of angels for the rest of time. And then after they’d sing such heavenly music in tribute, they’d proceed to turn on this episode and fuck each other’s brains out! No, I’m exaggerating, but it was a pretty cool episode and due to a simple mistake, we didn't manage to record any of it. While we were lamenting over having lost a pretty cool episode, I suggested that we record a short episode doing just that. Lamentation of the lost episode. And you will hear it at the beginning, how defeated and bummed out we were and in the attempt to salvage the recording session, you’ll hear how frazzled we got as we began trying to recount the lost episode, stumbling over each other and repeating shit. So bear with us. We were gasping for air and thankfully, Milky macguyvered this ep and turned it into an all-chicken episode. Please check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and leave a review on iTunes. Subscribe to us on YouTube. Intro/Outro theme: All Rolls Everything - PoppinMediacom This week's Teasing Loads features Milky's dreams of a chicken-eating Batman. Check out last week's DVD Load-Down, where we covered Richard Linklater's Slacker.
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Get a Load of This
Shit We Mentioned
For more details on the topics discussed in this episode, visit the official Dropping Loads Blog.

Sunday Feb 17, 2013
Dropping Loads Episode 27: Black Jesus Got It
Sunday Feb 17, 2013
Sunday Feb 17, 2013
In this episode, Random Guy Serge returns to regale his dreams of a dread-locked ethnically controversial messiah ensuring his safety as well as lead a discussion condemning The Dark Knight Rises (once again!). The boys then discuss foot fetishes, the comfort and security of prison (once again!), and Milky's fast food aspirations. Subscribe to us on iTunes HERE Pouch here. If any of you guys are wondering when Eugene'll be back for the pod, then your guess is as good as mine. He was scheduled to come in for this recording session, but he seemed be missing-in-action for a bit. It came to a point where we couldn't wait any longer and we just started recording without him, instead opting to have Random Guy Serge sit-in once again in his place. Less than five minutes in, I received a text from Eugene. I will get him back on, I will promise you guys for the next episode! Please check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and leave a review on iTunes. Subscribe to us on YouTube. Intro/Outro theme: Black Jesus - Everlast This week's Teasing Loads features Milky discussing the extent of his altruistic dreams. And if you guys miss Eugene's presence on the podcast, you can still catch him on last week's sketch, Them Boys Insurance.
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Get a Load of This
Guy Likes to Bite Toes Badass Batman Motherfucker Takes Down 4 Guys While Holding Fish and Chips Old Convicted Felon Robs Bank to Go Back to Prison
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Dropping Loads Episode 26: Get Over It!
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Sunday Feb 03, 2013

Sunday Jan 20, 2013
Dropping Loads Episode 25: Everyone's Fooled Around with their Cousin
Sunday Jan 20, 2013
Sunday Jan 20, 2013
In this episode, the DLP boys welcome back Langston, who continues to bring the podcast to awkward silences with his tales of gay revelry and cousin play. The boys discuss temperament, personality, and the spectrum of morality as well as sex education. Subscribe to us on iTunes HERE
Be sure to check out last week's sketch, Father Knows Best.